Personalised Heart Health Fingerprint
Heart topography illustration
Heart topography illustration

Our approach is to place diagnostics in people's hands at the point-of-need

We offer 'heart health in a box'

A versatile combination of three critical heart function tests:
electrocardiograms, cardiac biomarkers, and echocardiograms
Lubdub Heart Health in a Box StackLubdub Heart Health in a Box Electro SetLubdub Heart Health in a Box Bio SetLubdub Heart Health in a Box Echo Set

Combining data from three critical heart function tests, we offer an integrated platform for personalised cardiac health monitoring

Lubdub Product Suite with IntegrationVisualisation of the lubdub remote monitoring approach
Heart health information is instantaneously acquired and indexed with advanced data analytics
Specialists in any location can review results to perform screening and diagnosis

We have a portfolio of products that can precisely map heart health, while being versatile for independent screening use

lubdub product portfolio

Our team combines engineering, manufacturing, clinical expertise, and corporate governance to rapidly translate innovative technologies to accelerate heart health diagnosis

We are driven by a singular purpose: using technology to make healthcare accessible to everyone
Photo of Nikhilesh Bappoo
Dr Nikhilesh Bappoo
GAICD, PhD, MPE, BPhil (Hons)
Co-Founder and Director

Healthtech innovator and company director specialising in cardiovascular research and medical device commercialisation.

Photo of Professor Girish Dwivedi
Professor Girish Dwivedi
Co-Founder and Director

Multimodal cardiac imaging specialist and clinician, experienced in applying clinical expertise to address critical patient needs.

Photo of Professor Sharath Sriram
Professor Sharath Sriram
FIEAust, PhD, MEng, BE
Co-Founder and Director

Researcher and prolific inventor driving rapid translation and commercialisation of advanced electronics and futuristic sensors for medical technologies.

Photo of Professor Sharath Sriram
Jamie Davison
MIntEcon&F, CPA, GAICD, BCom, BBusMan
Chief Financial Officer

Shifted paradigms in online bookkeeping as co-founder of Carbon Group. Supporting and mentoring growth of multiple technology start-ups and not-for-profits.

We are guided by an Advisory Board of medical technology sector leaders
Photo of Sue MacLeman
Sue MacLeman
Chair, Advisory Board

Chair, Medicines Australia
, Viral Vector Manufacturing Facility Pty Ltd
Former Chair (Inaugural), MTPConnect
Non-Executive Director and Advisor to over a dozen companies and national bodies

Photo of Warren Bingham
Warren Bingham
Member, Advisory Board

Executive Chairman, MedTech International
Vice-Chair of the Board, Medical Technology Associate of Australia
Non-Executive Director and CEO to over a dozen companies and national bodies

We are privileged to have strong support from partners across government, research, and peak bodies
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